Wherever you are, you are not alone!

After serving the army for so long, I’ve decided that there’s a lot to see and discover. I was so into it.

“Let’s make a trip!” I said. No one even listened while they were swearing each other playing PlayStation.

I repeated one more time, higher voice this time, “Let’s get out of here, Let’s make a trip!!!” I remember one of my friends asked me “how long would you want to travel?” “It doesn’t matter” I said. And again, they were to busy playing PlayStation. So i went home planning my BIG trip. I had a girlfriend back in the days, we were together for 4 years! so i told her about my plans, it was a shock for her but she didn’t believe me, no one believed me that I was going to do it by myself, even my own family. I’m not gonna lie to you guys, the thought about being alone, no matter how long, is terrifying, no one uses to this way of life But i was so determined.

As the days went by and the time came we broke up nicely I said goodbye to all of my friends and family And I flew away to the unknown. I felt a huge blur for the first 4 days. But the more days went by the more I realized about myself and everyone else. I was never alone, You guys need to understand a simple thing, NO ONE LIKES TO BE ALONE, and that’s the whole point! because one way or another, whether you like it or not, you will start socialize with the people around you, THIS IS OUR NATURE! we can find people everywhere, tracking in the middle of the day or drinking in the middle of the night. Don’t be afraid making that step, don’t be afraid trying new things and meeting new people! It’s a huge step I know, I can tell, But it will contribute in the future! Only time will tell.

I won’t tell you where was I because this is not the point.

But I will tell you that my trip lasted for 1 year. AND IT WAS INCREDIBLE!

I met hundreds of people (which I still keep in touch with and visited as years went by), I guess that’s all I ever wanted – meeting new people, facing new cultures and the most important thing, living the dream, MY DREAM.

I don’t want to tell you no more so I wont ruin it.



A small taste of the amazing people I met.

Beachcomber Islands, Fiji.


Whitheaven Beach, Australia.Image

Love you guys!

yours sincerely.